I woke up at 4am with a headache and took some medicine. It was caffeinated medicine so at 5am I was done sleeping! I worked in my room until the dogs got too annoying to handle, let them out, and then continued working until Klif headed downstairs at 6:15. Will woke up just a few minutes later,

and I fed him and put him back down. He slept for a couple more hours so I worked on some stuff around the house, and when he woke up we tried out his Johnny Jump Up.

He loved it when I made it jump for him, but didn't have the concept down quite yet. Will was quite fussy today. He did not want to be put down at all.

(Yeah, that picture really looks like it, right?) He took a grand total of about 2 half hour naps.

I worked my hardest to still get some stuff done (made cookies and dumplings and cleaned a little) even though I was carrying Will the majority of the time. At about 4 or so Grandpa came by and spent some time with Will and I finished up in the kitchen. Grandpa had to head out, but Nana was on her way. About 10 minutes later Grandpa called back and said he decided to take everyone for dinner and asked if we could meet him at a restaurant down the road. I got Will ready and we met Nana and Pa and Caleb and Megan and had a good time at dinner. Will had a bottle as soon as we got there

and was very good for the rest of dinner.

After we were done eating we headed back home and Nana followed us. Daddy was home not long after that. Will was very happy and laughing at Nana a lot. I headed off to bed because of work and Will stayed up with Daddy and Nana.
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