Today was Will's first day to go to daycare. Klif had to wake him up and feed him, and then dropped him off at Miss Tara's. I expected him to fall back asleep in his car seat on the way to her house, but she said he was wide awake when he arrived! He got rave reviews, and she said he napped for about an hour while there. I picked him up at 1 and had to run a couple of quick errands, and he slept off and on while we were out. By the time we got home he was completely asleep, so I took advantage of the situation and napped for an hour and a half while he slept in his car seat.

We cuddled most of the rest of the evening, and he was very tired throughout the night.

Daddy got home at 8:30 and took over and I headed right to bed since I was so tired!

Will stayed up a little later than normal, probably from all of his evening naps, and went to bed at 11.
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