I woke up at 6:30 to feed Will, and then he slept for another hour and a half or so. As usual, he was all smiles once I got him out of bed.

Will I and played for a while and finally at 11 we decided it was time to wake up daddy.

Once daddy got up we had some breakfast and then Will stayed with daddy while I ran a couple of quick errands.

Once I got back, Will ate and then took a quick nap. Klif and I decided we would go eat at Los Rancheros, so we packed up and headed out for an early dinner. Dinner was great, and Will was prefect the whole time. He sat on my lap and just stared at everything, never making a peep.

We were next to a very loud lady and her very loud daughter, and I made a mental note of what not to do in a restaurant! After dinner we stopped by the grocery and then headed home. We all stuck around the living room and watched Toy Story 3.

Will made it through the whole movie! It was really good. After the movie we gave Will a bath and then put him down for bed.

I headed right to sleep, and daddy wasn't far behind.
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