Will and I slept in this morning

and then he spent some time in his exersaucer.

He loved it! We headed out to meet another old co-worker for lunch at my work. Her husband now works with me, so we were all going to meet there. We had a good lunch and everyone at work always loves to see Will. Brandon and Jillian have month old baby named Lorelei. She was so cute and looked so little compared to Will!

After lunch we headed to Jeremiah's since Nana was watching Lily.

After we were done there we loaded up and headed to Castleton. I needed to return and exchange some outfits that Will never fit in, and I got a few new outfits from the return money. We stopped by Archiver's so I could use my gift card and Nana fed Will in the car while I browsed. After that we headed home,

and soon daddy was off work.
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