Will was still at Nana and grandpa's today and went to church with them.

I arrived at about 2 and Will was napping (of course!) I ran a few quick errands since I was in Muncie, and then we just spent some time hanging out at the house. We decided to go to dinner, and headed to Red Lobster. Will was very good, and as usual sat quietly in his car seat while we ate.

After dinner we all headed over to Rachel the Great's to visit for a little bit.

When we left there we headed back to Nana and Grandpa's and packed up the car to head home. I was hoping to leave early enough to run by Klif's work before he had to go to another station for an overnight shift, but I was running too far behind. At home he slept in the car seat for a little bit, and then we watched some TV.

I put Will down at 10:30, and he had trouble getting to sleep. I had decided that since he is almost 3 months I would stop swaddling him, since he is getting more control of his hands, and could (hopefully) start self-soothing with his hands if his pacified popped out.

His arms were going everywhere while he was trying to get to sleep, mixed with sleeping so much in the evening. He tossed and turned and fussed and grunted. Finally I turned on his glo-seahorse, and he was mesmerized. The music lasts about 5 minutes, and after the 3rd time I turned it on, he was finally asleep about 11:30.
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