Daddy went to work this morning and I got up and fed Will at 9. We spent the morning as usual,with Will spending time in his exersaucer,

swing, and high chair, and of course in the recliner with me for a while.

He loved watching the dogs while in his exersaucer

and I even caught him laughing at Terrance at one point.

In the afternoon I wanted to get out for a little bit, so we pack up and headed to see daddy at work.

Will was in a good mood,

but by the end was getting a little ancy. On the way home we stopped by the gym and got Will signed up for Kid's Club so that if we want to go work out he can go too. At home, he was fast asleep in his car seat. I had to wake him up for his 6:30 bottle, and he went back to sleep! I finally woke him up at 7:30, worried that he wouldn't sleep through the night! It took him a little while to stop being grumpy (I don't blame him, I'm grumpy when I wake up from my naps!) but he was soon happy and laughing as usual.

He spent some time with daddy when he got home and daddy was very tired. We put Will down about 9:30, and he wasn't as tired as usual, but talked himself to sleep within about 30 minutes.
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