Will was up at 3:30 for a bottle, which is unusual for him, and Nana had said he got up in the middle of the night for a bottle both nights that he was there. He was still breathing a little raspy and a little congested during the day, so I'm thinking that's the problem. After his bottle, he fussed until he fell back asleep at 5. I was exhausted! He was up again for a bottle at 7:30! Daddy got home from his double shift at 8:30, and was so nice to take over baby care so I could get a little rest (he had just worked 24 hours!). I got back up at 11:30 and found out that Klif had experienced his first diaper blowout while I was sleeping.

Will was very happy, and we packed up to go each lunch with an old co-worker of mine, Kenny. We met him at Miller's and had a great time just catching up. Will started getting fussy at the end of lunch, and I wasn't surprised that he fell asleep on the short drive home. He slept in his car seat for an hour after lunch, and woke up cranky! I put him in his highchair

and he was happy,

I think just to have a different point of view!

Will had scratched himself for the first time last night, so we also did Will's first nail trim today - at almost 3 months! It wasn't too tough, he was just wiggly.

I can imagine how difficult clipping a brand new baby's nails is!

At bedtime, Will was starting to fuss again, so I held his arms against his side and he fell right asleep...
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