Saturday, January 29, 2011
Will slept in with daddy and had his first bottle at 8:30. Daddy was working at a festival so he dropped off Will with Aunt Megan at about 11. Once I was done with work I headed over to pick him up and got there about 12:30. She said he had been very good and they watched cartoons and played. It was time for Will to eat so we headed right home and after I let him sleep for a few minutes in his car seat I woke him up to feed him. I knew he was very hungry so I made him 6 ounces, and he had no trouble eating it all. After he ate he fell asleep pretty quick, but didn't stay asleep when I tried to put him down. He fought sleep on and off for a few hours, and I was exhausted from work. Of course, his swing also ran out of battery. He finally calmed down in his immobile swing and after a while drifted off to sleep. He napped for almost 2 hours! I slept most of the time on the couch. I needed that nap really bad! Will fussed and I held him, and he slept for almost another hour on my shoulder. After another bottle he watched a little tv while I worked on some cleaning, and we waited for daddy to get home.
Will was home with daddy today and they both slept a little late. When I got home from work we watched a movie (Despicable Me) and I think all of us napped a little bit during it. I didn't stay up very long, as I was very tired from work. Will stayed up with daddy and once again got to bed a little late.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
After daddy fed Will this morning Nana took over since we both had to work. Jeremiah brought Lily by and Will slept until about 9. Will was very calm when I got home at 1 and mom said he hadn't slept yet. I figured he would sleep after his 2:30 bottle but he was not having it. He would drift off to sleep but would not stay asleep. He napped a little bit with me while Lily played in the living room. I made an early dinner and Will had his bottle at the same time we were eating. Once again, he wouldn't really go to sleep. Nana finally got him to sleep in her arms and I headed to bed. Klif got home at 8 and said that Will was not happy, and that he was up until 11:15! He finally had to give him another bottle, which immediately did the trick.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I woke up at 4am with a headache and took some medicine. It was caffeinated medicine so at 5am I was done sleeping! I worked in my room until the dogs got too annoying to handle, let them out, and then continued working until Klif headed downstairs at 6:15. Will woke up just a few minutes later, and I fed him and put him back down. He slept for a couple more hours so I worked on some stuff around the house, and when he woke up we tried out his Johnny Jump Up. He loved it when I made it jump for him, but didn't have the concept down quite yet. Will was quite fussy today. He did not want to be put down at all. (Yeah, that picture really looks like it, right?) He took a grand total of about 2 half hour naps. I worked my hardest to still get some stuff done (made cookies and dumplings and cleaned a little) even though I was carrying Will the majority of the time. At about 4 or so Grandpa came by and spent some time with Will and I finished up in the kitchen. Grandpa had to head out, but Nana was on her way. About 10 minutes later Grandpa called back and said he decided to take everyone for dinner and asked if we could meet him at a restaurant down the road. I got Will ready and we met Nana and Pa and Caleb and Megan and had a good time at dinner. Will had a bottle as soon as we got there and was very good for the rest of dinner. After we were done eating we headed back home and Nana followed us. Daddy was home not long after that. Will was very happy and laughing at Nana a lot. I headed off to bed because of work and Will stayed up with Daddy and Nana.
I woke up at 6:30 to feed Will, and then he slept for another hour and a half or so. As usual, he was all smiles once I got him out of bed. Will I and played for a while and finally at 11 we decided it was time to wake up daddy. Once daddy got up we had some breakfast and then Will stayed with daddy while I ran a couple of quick errands. Once I got back, Will ate and then took a quick nap. Klif and I decided we would go eat at Los Rancheros, so we packed up and headed out for an early dinner. Dinner was great, and Will was prefect the whole time. He sat on my lap and just stared at everything, never making a peep. We were next to a very loud lady and her very loud daughter, and I made a mental note of what not to do in a restaurant! After dinner we stopped by the grocery and then headed home. We all stuck around the living room and watched Toy Story 3. Will made it through the whole movie! It was really good. After the movie we gave Will a bath and then put him down for bed. I headed right to sleep, and daddy wasn't far behind.
Will was home with daddy today and when I got home I stayed up only long enough to eat lunch and then headed upstairs to take a nap. Will napped in his swing next to my bed while daddy got ready for a meeting he had downtown. I got up when it was time for daddy to go and Will and I spent the evening hanging out downstairs. Daddy was home sooner than expected and we watched some tv and then spent some time in Will's room. Daddy read him a story and then he got to try on some hats. I headed to bed so I could let Klif sleep in tomorrow morning. Klif said Will fell asleep shortly after I went to bed but stayed downstairs with him until he went to bed at 11:45.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Daddy fed Will again before heading to work. I told Klif that Will was sounding a little congested so before he left he brought up his swing and put him back in it to swing. At about 9 I thought I heard Will rustling. I went in and he was still mostly asleep. I turned on his swing, went into my room to work, and he slept until 10! He was very smiley when he woke up. I worked in my room some more while Will watched from the hallway in his exersaucer. I saw and heard him pooping, so after I waited a few minutes I took him to his room to change him. It was the work diaper blow-out yet! 2 days worth of poo went right up the back of him and filled his sleeper. Barely got in the diaper! By the end of it all it was all over his back, on his arms, and on his legs. What a mess. Thanks a lot to the nice looking lady at WalMart who told me that the WalMart brand diapers were better than any of the name brands. No more! We headed downstairs and soon Jeremiah and Nichole dropped off Lily so they could go to a movie. Lily emptied out Will's toy chest and loved to watch the dogs through the gate. I took them both upstairs so tha ti could change Will into his matching outfit that Grandma Cooper got him. Then he told Lily that she had pretty eyes and she got super embarrassed. Will slept most of the time! Jeremiah came in to pick up Lily and then I headed upstairs to grab a quick shower. Will was in his swing and was content but by the time I was done he was screaming! Daddy was home soon and I immediately passed Will off so that I could get some sleep!
Daddy went to work this morning and I got up and fed Will at 9. We spent the morning as usual,with Will spending time in his exersaucer, swing, and high chair, and of course in the recliner with me for a while. He loved watching the dogs while in his exersaucer and I even caught him laughing at Terrance at one point. In the afternoon I wanted to get out for a little bit, so we pack up and headed to see daddy at work. Will was in a good mood, but by the end was getting a little ancy. On the way home we stopped by the gym and got Will signed up for Kid's Club so that if we want to go work out he can go too. At home, he was fast asleep in his car seat. I had to wake him up for his 6:30 bottle, and he went back to sleep! I finally woke him up at 7:30, worried that he wouldn't sleep through the night! It took him a little while to stop being grumpy (I don't blame him, I'm grumpy when I wake up from my naps!) but he was soon happy and laughing as usual. He spent some time with daddy when he got home and daddy was very tired. We put Will down about 9:30, and he wasn't as tired as usual, but talked himself to sleep within about 30 minutes.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Daddy fed Will before he left for work this morning, which gave me an extra couple of hours of sleep. Will was in a great mood today. He spent some time in his excersaucer, his high chair, his swing, and just laying on the couch. There was a lot of cuddle and nap time, too.Will fell asleep not long after daddy got home. We took him upstairs and gave him a bath and he had no trouble going to sleep after his bottle.
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