Will slept through the night, and started waking right on time about 6:45, when Pa came in to get him. Pa fed him and brought him back in to put him back to bed. Will wasn't asleep, but laid in his crib and talked and squealed a couple of times. Soon Nana came in and took him out to the living room. She brought him back in around 9 and I got up and started to get ready.

We headed out to church,

and after church had lunch at Red Lobster. Will slept through the entire lunch!

Will spent some time with Pa while Nana and I did some shopping, and then after a quick dinner

we packed up and headed home. Will was not happy to be in the car, and SCREAMED from the time we left until I stopped at Anderson and just held the pacifier in his mouth and talked to him for a minute. He fell asleep for the rest of the trip. Daddy was already home when we got there and was ready to hold Will! Will didn't really wake up, but did suck down a whole bottle before going to sleep at 9.
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