Daddy got Will up this morning since I picked up some overtime at work, and then I came home so that that daddy could head off to his overtime shift!

He was headed off to Chicago for a run and Uncle Jeremiah and Uncle Caleb needed to use our truck so we dropped daddy off at work.

We stopped for lunch at McDonald's before we dropped him off. After that we made a quick stop at Archiver's and then headed home. I was very tired and was falling asleep when I was feeding Will, and luckily he was acting tired too. I rocked him in his room and he fell asleep in no time. I put him down in his crib and went to lay down. I left the garage door open so that Uncle Caleb could just hop in and grab the truck in hopes that I could take a nap. About the time I heard Caleb getting the truck, Will started crying. He was MAD! It wasn't near time to eat, but it was a hungry cry, so I got him out of his crib, made a bottle, and then went back upstairs to the bedroom and I laid down on our bed with Will laying next to me, very happy to be eating. By the time the bottle was gone he was FAST asleep, and slept for a solid hour and a half. After our nap, we played downstairs and waited to hear from daddy.

Soon we found out that daddy would be late getting home, so I put Will to bed when he started to get tired.
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