We headed out early in the morning for Will's 4 month check up. He now weighs 17lbs 4.8 ounces and is 25 3/4" long. He is in the 90th percentile for weight and 89th percentile for height. He is a big boy! He loves to stand, and only needs support to keep from leaning over. He bears all of his weight on his legs. He loves to jump, too. We were surprised to hear that the right side of his head is just slightly flatter than the left - he always favors laying with his head to the left! The doctor told us we should start phasing out swaddling, and also increased tummy time to 60 minutes a day, just until he starts rolling. Will got two more shots and another oral vaccine, and did much better this time. After the appointment we headed to Kokomo to have lunch with Grandma Cooper. We visited at her house for a while and then picked up Juanita and headed to Culver's. We had a really good lunch, and the weather outside was amazing. Will hasn't spent much time outside, so it was nice to not have to hurry him in and out of the car. After lunch we headed back to Indy, and stopped at Verizon on the way back. It was still so nice out! When we got home we even took the dogs for a nice leisurely walk. Will seemed to enjoy being out in the Snugli and getting some fresh air. After we got back in Will ate, and a couple of hours later Will got his first taste of cereals. It went okay. He didn't quite get the bite concept, but was intrigued that something was in his mouth that wasn't from a bottle! Will stayed up with daddy for a while until bedtime.
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