Will was still sleeping at 6 when daddy woke him up to feed him. After Klif left for work, I got up at 9 and he was still asleep! He didn't get up until 9:30. He must have been really tired! Once Will was up we packed up and got ready to head to Muncie.

The weather was getting really bad out, so we planned on heading out a little early. Caleb called and wanted to know if we wanted to ride together since they were going to Muncie too, but Megan was driving separately. We headed out to pick up Caleb and then we were on our way. The roads were horrible! The snow was coming down so hard that we could not see very far in front of us. We had to drive quite slow. We were just driving along when I saw it coming - A compact green car, oncoming from the other direction, going way too fast and spinning out of control. Without thinking I swerved to the right, and he barely missed us! If I hadn't moved he would've hit right where Will's seat is. The car wove back and forth and hit a car farther back. He just barely clipped the front corner, and multiple people stopped, so we continued on our way. There were lots of slide offs on the Interstate. We finally made it to Muncie

and after letting Gerty out at Nana and Pa's we loaded into their car and headed to the Ball State game.

Will was very good but tired and had a hard time napping through the noise. He napped through halftime, but was still very tired. He fell asleep almost immediately on the way home.

We spent a little bit of time at Nana and Pa's

before heading over to Rachel the Great's to help set up a TV for her. Will fell asleep again on the way over and slept for a while before I woke him up to feed him. Rachel the Great couldn't believe how much he has grown!

She wouldn't let me take a good picture of her either.

After we were done setting up the TV we went to Applebee's for dinner

and then back to Nana and Pa's. I was very tired, and after Pa fed him we put him in his crib for the night.
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