I needed to run to the grocery and bank before Will's check up, and then pick up a Craigslist item and then drop off a Craigslist item. Everything was going according to schedule and I had Will dressed and ready to go, with just enough time to give him a bottle. He fussed through the last half of it, and when I sat him up to burp him threw a bunch of it up, all over both of us. So much for the schedule! We both got changed, then headed to Aldi for the chicken I needed to start dinner. Back at home Will napped while I started the food. I packed him up when it was time to leave and we stopped by the bank and then went to his appointment.

Unfortunately his ears are still infected and he will need to see the ENT. He was put on a 4th antibiotic, and everything else was great. One of his front bottom teeth has broke through, and the other is not far behind! We headed out from the appointment and met at CVS to pick up an exersaucer for daycare that we found on Craigslist. How convenient, since I needed to fill his new prescription. We had time to kill after making the parking lot transaction, so we took the contraption to the sitter's house, who was more than thrilled to get it. After swinging back by CVS we were on our way to drop off a bunch of leftover food we had to someone who had emailed us. After finally getting everything on the list done we headed home, and I could feel my headache coming on. I took some medicine, put Will in his exersaucer on our bed, turned out the lights, and turned on the tv.

This kept him entertained for about 30 minutes, just long enough for me to lay and let the meds kick in enough to fight off the nausea. Fabulous. We went downstairs and I asked Will to give me his sassiest pose, and this was the best he could do.

I got him all cleaned up and in his PJ's so that he was ready for bed when Klif got home.

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