We went to church
and then to Applebees with Nana ans Pa, Josh and Jill, and Rachel the Great.
Will wanted to be held most of the time. He got a lot of compliments on his hat. After lunch, Will went home with Pa while I went to the store with Nana and Rachel the Great. One of the things I picked up at Target was a cute short outfit for Will - size 6-9 months. When I got back to Nana and Pa's we tried it on him, and it just fit!
He's getting too big too fast!

Uncle Caleb called and wanted me to take pictures at his basketball game, so I packed Will up (leaving him in his shorts because it was so nice out) and headed back to Indy. We went straight to Caleb's game, and Will read Aunt Megan his book while I took some photos.
It was very nice out, but also very windy. After the games were over, we headed back home and we didn't beat daddy home by much. Will stayed up with daddy for a bit and I went to bed!
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