Like clockwork, 2 hours later he was ready for a nap. I wrapped him up, he fell right to sleep, and I put him in his bouncer in his crib so that he could be elevated. He was so tired that he was snoring! 40 minutes later I heard him in the monitor talking and grunting. He was already wide away, just looking around. Will sat in his bumbo chair in my craft room while I worked for a little bit.

Daddy got up about 11 and we ran some errands before we headed to Caleb and Megan's for lunch.

The food was great and the weather was amazing.

I slathered Will with sunscreen before we left, but I still kept him inside some of the time so that he wouldn't burn.

Will even got to pet a baby duck.

We stayed for a while and when we left I'm pretty sure that Will was fast asleep before we even left the neighborhood.

We went straight home and Will stayed asleep and napped for about an hour. He stayed downstairs with daddy while I worked in my room. Later we went and got some ice cream and Will loved watching the cars go by.

Back at home Will was getting tired, but it was too early for bed. I had to keep him up for a while, then we have him a bath to get all of the greasy sunscreen off of him and he went right to sleep with his bottle.
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