He was in a surprisingly good mood for not getting a bottle.

We checked into the hospital at 7 and were put in a private waiting room.

The surgery wasn't until 8, and we just sat there and waiting.

Occasionally a doctor or nurse would stop in and ask us questions or greet us. Will started getting fussy, and I tried to put him to sleep but failed. Klif took over and he immediately went to sleep.

At 8, a nurse came in and picked up Will, and he woke up. As she headed out the door with him, he looked over her shoulder at us and gave us a half asleep huge smile. 12 minutes later the doctor came in and said everything went great, and that they would bring Will in as soon as he woke up. About 10 minutes late we heard him crying, and they brought him right to us and I had a bottle waiting. He ate most of his bottle, still very groggy, and didn't open his eyes the whole time.

for 15 minutes after his bottle he screamed, but by the time we were walking out he was great. He talked the whole way home. Klif had to head to work as soon as we got home, and Will was very happy in the morning.

He took a morning nap and was really in a good mood the whole day. We went to Steak n' Shake for lunch with Nana and Lily.

Will fell asleep on the short drive there, and didn't wake out when I got him out of his seat!

He slept through our whole lunch, just waking up when it was time to go.
We played at home for a while,

and then he slept for over 2 hours during his evening nap, and I had to wake him for fear he wouldn't go to sleep at night.

Nana came over to watch Will until Klif came home, and ended up with a bloody nose after Will head-butted her. Oops! Daddy came home and then Nana headed back to Jeremiah's.
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