Today we went grocery shopping, and since I switched Will into his convertible car seat, I wasn't too sure about how to do the shopping since I wouldn't have him in is infant carrier. We went to Aldi first, and I sat him in the cart with a blanket next to him.

He was a little wobbly, and I was basically holding him the whole time, but by the end of it he was doing great, holding onto the bar in front of him with both hands, and kicking his feet all over the place. At WalMart, we found a cart with an infant seat attached to it so that he could rest a little. At home I mashed some newly bought avacados into baby food,

after reading that they are full of good fats. I wish I would have had a camera on Will when he took his first bite. He made the worst face!

He kept opening his mouth for more, but kept making horrible faces. Finally he refused to take any more, so I mixed it into his baby oatmeal, and he begrudgingly ate it all.

He seemed really tired, but didn't nap at all.
Pa stopped by and visited today, too.

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