This morning we got up and headed off to the ENT so that Will could have his ears checked. We waited for a very long time, and got into the room an hour later than our appointment.

After more waiting Will started getting fussy. Klif worked his magic and got him to fall right asleep, and of course the doctor came in just minutes later. Will didn't mind being woken (that sounds funny) up. They strapped will to a baby back board and hooked down his arms, legs, and head. He was not happy at all. It didn't take them long to look at his ears and he confirmed that there was still fluid in his ears, which meant infection could come back any time. He talked to us about our options, and we all agreed that tubes was the best one.

We checked out and grabbed a quick lunch before Klif had to head to work.

I had kind of a rough day at home with Will today. He was fussing, and I was trying to get some stuff done around the house. I was attempting to make some no bake cheesecakes, and when I grabbed the liners from the cabinet I also knocked out a huge container of sprinkles, which busted all over the floor.

I'm pretty sure he was laughing at me. The dogs were excited. Then I proceeded to ruin said cheesecakes by adding a whole cup too much milk to the recipe. Ooops. We chilled the rest of the evening and as soon as Klif got home I headed right to bed!
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