I came home and played with him for a short while before addressing a blowout and then heading to take nap. Will also took a nap downstairs with daddy.

After we all got up, we got ready and headed out to meet up for dinner with Nana and Pa, Caleb and Megan, and Jeremiah, Nichole, and Lily (and T-1 day Liam).

We ate at On the Border in Castleton and had a great time. After dinner Nana and Pa came back to the house to stay the night so that they wouldn't have to drive back to Muncie and then back in the morning to see Liam!

Will was very tired and I fed him shortly after we got home, but by the time he was done with his bottle at 9:30 he was wide awake. I decided to just turn him music on, turn the lights off, and put him in his crib. After 10 minutes of some light grunting, and an occasional small fuss, he was fast asleep!
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