After Will's rough night, he stayed with Nana for a little bit

while Lily napped and I ran an errand.

Once I got back he napped in his car seat while Lily finished up her nap. At this point Will was coughing really bad, and he was still losing parts of his bottles. I called the doctor and they were able to get me in for a 4:30 appointment in Fishers. We were already taking Lily back so it wasn't really an extra trip, but now we were in a hurry and rushed to get both kids packed up and out the door.

We got to the doctor's office right on time.

Will was feeling pretty miserable, and Lily played with the decorations on the wall. The doctor checked Will's ears and right away said he had a double ear infections.

They swabbed his mouth to test for RSV and swabbed his nose to test for pertussis (whooping cough). The test for RSV came back positive and we won't know about the pertussis until Monday. They also checked his oxygen and lungs, which we both good. The doctor told us that he is probably going to be coming out of the sickness soon, as RSV is usually worst on days 3-5. He got a prescription for azithromycin for his ears and said she would like for us to come back tomorrow during walk in hours to check on him again. We weren't thrilled to hear that, since we were an hour away, but we had to do what we had to do! We dropped Lily off at her house and by that time had decided that we would just stay in town for the night. Nana had not packed anything so we headed to Walgreen's to fill Will's prescription and pick up some toiletries. Once we were done there we picked up some Taco Bell and headed home.

It wasn't until we were almost home that I realized we were in Nana's car and I didn't have my garage door opener! We went back to Jeremiah and Nichole's, but they couldn't find their spare keys. We then headed to Caleb and Megan's and stayed there for a little bit while we waited for Daddy to get home from work. Will was miserable - sniffing and coughing and puking and crying. We left just as Megan was pulling in. The doctor told us to get saline spray for Will's nose, and that seemed to help clear him up. Back at home I slept in Will's room so that Klif could get some sleep before work the next day.
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