This morning Will was put back in the same outfit he puked on yesterday (washed, of course) for another try!

We picked up Grandma Rachel and headed to Panera for breakfast.

After we ate and Will was 1/2 fed (we didn't have time for the whole bottle!) we headed to church. After arriving he finished the other 1/2 of his breakfast. After the service

we headed to Larry and Linda's. Linda gave will an adorable outfit, and one of her dogs could not get enough of the baby! He did not want us to leave. We stopped by Wal-Mart on the way back to Nana and Grandpa's, and I quickly packed while Grandpa fed Will. We then took Grandma Rachel back to her house and packed the rest of our stuff, loaded the car, and headed back to Indy. When we got home we woke up daddy (He had worked a 24 hour shift and just got home at 8am)

and called my friend Ceci to let her know we were back in town. Ceci, a college friend of mine, was visiting from Texas. She came over and held Will and visited with us.

After eating, he spit up on the outfit again, and for a while he was just happy being naked.

After she headed out we packed up and headed out to BW3's to watch the Colts game. Unfortunately the game was so bad that the patrons were chanting "Painter! Painter!". We came home at halftime, and the game was so bad that mommy fell asleep on the chair! Daddy stayed up late with Will and put him to bed at midnight.
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