Will didn't really sleep in longer increments last night, but he did sleep later into the morning than usual.

I got him up and dressed him (note his shot band-aid!),

and he was definitely ready for some food!

After a quick meal I did some extensive packing, and then we once again headed off to Muncie, this time for Thanksgiving. We got to Grandma Rachel's in the early afternoon, and headed out to run a few errands. We drove by Will's great uncle Larry and aunt Linda's, but they weren't home. On the way we stopped in to Thomas Business Supply downtown to surprise Janis, who made all of the awesome bibs and gowns. She was thrilled, and did not want to put Will down! We even stopped in to McDonald's, and Will enjoyed the smell of some fresh, hot fries.

We went back to Grandma's and waited for Taylor to get there. Will was having another fussy afternoon, so he spent some time on his tummy in his boppy pillow, which helped him feel a little better.

Taylor showed up around 7:30. Grandpa called and wanted to know if we could bring Will by, since they hadn't seen him today, so we all loaded up and headed that way for a little bit.

We sat around and talked and Will got compared to an Ewok in he reindeer outfit.

Back at Grandma's Will showed one of his karate moves to his frog,

but then when he tried to think of another one, he couldn't.

After some winding down time Will got ready for bed and fed

and went into his travel bed for a late bedtime!
Cutest Karate Baby Ever.
ReplyDeletei adore this blog :) he is so cute! love the karate pics and the CUTE swaddler too!