We had a huge milestone last night. Will went 7 hours between feedings last night! At 3am he was fussing so I woke up and changed him, and when I tried to feed him, he wanted nothing to do with it! I tried and tried, but he would not take it at all. I laid him back down and headed back to bed, fully expecting to be woken up within minutes, but he slept until 5:30! He then took a bottle and went back to sleep until 9! This is the first time he has slept in past 7. Thank goodness!
After some time downstairs,

Will was content in his bassinet for a long time while I worked on some projects. He is really getting into looking at really colorful objects. Today I put a bright plastic train in his bassinet with him, and he laid and stared at it wide-eyed for a long time.

Then he fell asleep. He also found the owls on his pack-n-play the other day. I turned it on and he followed it as it spun.
That afternoon Uncle Caleb and Grandpa stopped by. As usual, Will was asleep the whole time Caleb was here and only opened his eyes for a couple of minutes for Grandpa. Caleb still doesn't believe he has eyes!

The chimney sweep came by while Grandpa was here and cleaned the bugs out of our chimney so that we could take the beautiful saran wrap and duct tape cover off. After Grandpa left we sat around and watched tv until daddy got home.

Klif spent some time with Will after work.

(Please note the adorably folded hands...) Will's baths are going smoother each time. Unfortunately on the nights when he sleeps through the evening the baths wake him up right before bedtime. We still put him in his crib right after feeding him, and even though sometimes he is wide awake he barely makes a peeps and falls asleep usually within the hour!
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