Will woke up nearly every 3 hours last night, so we didn't technically get out of bed for the day until about 11am. Will once again was content in his chair while mommy caught up on emails and cleaned a little,

and in the afternoon we got all bundled up to run a few errands.

We paid a couple of bills and headed to the grocery. After coming home we watched some tv and enjoyed some boppy time until daddy got home. It was an uneventful day but Will was extra tired.

Tonight we decided to try a little bit of rice cereal in Will's bottle, just to help his stay a little more satisfied through the night. I put less than a teaspoon in his bottle, and left to slow flow nipple on to see what would happen.

After lots of sucking with no progress, I switched to the fast flow nipple. Will sucked down the whole bottle in no time! He was so hungry that we gave him 2 extra ounces of plain formula, but forgot to switch the nipple back. What a mess! He was still wide awake when he was done burping.

We still put him down in bed and he was fast asleep within the hour!
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