Will and I woke up early and headed to my office to have breakfast with some of my co-workers.

It was a nice visit and everyone loved how content he was! I had a nice breakfast and then we headed out towards the pediatrician's office. After a quick bottle in the foyer we headed in for our appointment.

Everything went well and Will is now 10lbs. 12 oz. He is 22.5 inches long and his head is 39.5 cm. He got a HepB shot and let out one big cry. I gave him his pacifier and he was fine! The pediatrician warned me that the shot would make him extra fussy and tired for the next 24 hours, and she was right! The rest of the day Will did not want to be put down. Even when I held him we was much fussier than normal. I was so ready for Klif to be home, but then he called to remind me that he was working a couple of hours late! I got Will ready for bed,

fed him, and put him to bed hoping that the shot might help him sleep a little longer tonight!
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