Will slept on his new sleep wedge last night (thanks, Heather!) This was a busy day! While daddy had to run into work for an hour for a class, Will and mommy headed to Meineke for an oil change. After that, Caleb asked if we could bring in Will to visit him at work. We went by home, picked up daddy, ran a couple of errands,

and then headed to see Uncle Caleb.

We were all hungry, so we all went to eat at Steak 'N Shake.

When we were done eating, we stopped by Caleb's to let out Gerty, and then headed to the grocery. We then went home to relax! After a while, it was so nice out that we decided to take the pups on a walk.

Will loved being in the carrier and the dogs didn't do too bad, either!

While we were out shopping, mommy found a resale shop that is her new favorite. Will ended up with a few new pairs of shoes.

The evening was spent winding down. We've also realized that Will really likes his boppy pillow (Thanks, Aunt Liz!).

Will's baths are going smoother each night, and help him sleep so much better!
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