After Will was up he headed with mommy to Jeremiah and Nichole's to visit Nana and Lily while daddy got a little more sleep. I was excited to have Will in an outfit I bought him the day before at the resale shop.

Cutest outfit ever? We had only planned to stay a short while before picking up Mommy-O from the airport, but her flight had to return to DFW because of problems so we waited for updates.

During this time Will decided to destroy said cutest outfit with a diaper blowout. Will then enjoyed some time naked.

Soon daddy was awake and brought a clean outfit (yes, I did have a change of clothes with me for him, but it was just a white onsie and sweats and I wanted him to be in something a little nice to meet his grandma!) and breakfast, and then we headed out to the airport to pick up Mommy-O. The new Indianapolis airport was very nice, and we showed up right in time.

Soon Mommy-o was meeting her new grandson! We loaded up and headed back to the house. We spent the evening relaxing and letting Mommy-O and will get to know each other.

Klif even worked on Will's bottle holding skills.

We all went to bed a little early because we were all exhausted!
Love the baby updates, but I gotta say that chair at the airport is so cool!