We woke up early to get started on Thanksgiving food! Will chilled on the couch

while mommy made pumpkin cookies, Macaroni and Cheese, and home made dumplings. Yum! Daddy came by while the cooking was still happening. He fed Will

and sat on the couch with him while we finished up.

We got Will ready

and then loaded everything into the car and then headed to Nana and Grandpa's for Thanksgiving Lunch.

We spent the day visiting with family

and eating lots of good food. Nana had a doll that looked eerily like Will,

and we even played a trick on Uncle Josh where we dressed the baby in Will's clothes and then when handing him to Josh accidentally dropped him.

I'm pretty sure Josh's heart stopped for a second! We also played some tricks on Grandpa while he was taking a nap.

Aunt Jill did a quick photo shoot with Lily and Will in their matching outfits (thanks Aunt Jill!).

That evening I took Grandma Rachel home and Klif back to his truck so that he could get back home for work the next day. I headed back to Nana and Pa's where I had left Will and spent the rest of the evening visiting

and scoping out any good deals in the flyers. We were at Nana and Grandpa's much later than expected. We headed back to Grandma Rachel's

and we just up long enough to give Will a quick sink bath

before heading to bed.