After hanging around the house a little this morning we got all packed up

and headed to the pediatrician's office for Will's 2 month check up.

Everything looked good, and Will is now 13.65lbs, 23.5" long, and his head is 41cm.

Will had to get two shots today, and they did them at the same time, in different legs. He laid there, and when they put the needles in he had a very confused look on his face. When they pushed the medicine in, his face got very red, and he SCREAMED louder than he has ever cried before. He was crying so hard that he was having trouble catching his breath! It took me a while to get him calmed down, and once I did I put him in his car seat and he fell right asleep. The doctor warned me that he could have a common reaction to the vaccines, including a low grade fever, fussiness, or sleeping a lot. We ran a couple of errands and then headed home.

Well, the doctor was right. Will slept all day.

I kept him in his swing in the guest bedroom while I worked on my project in my room.

He was sleepy all night, and woke up a little when daddy got home. He still went to bed just fine at bed time!

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