Klif went back to work today so Will and I headed to Jeremiah and Nichole's shortly after we go up since Nana was there watching Lily.

A play date we had scheduled was canceled due to a sniffly play buddy, but we headed out anyway because Nichole needed some paperwork brought to her from her house.
We visited Aunt Nichole at her school,

and then headed to the mall for some lunch and browsing.

Lily had a blast in the kids area, and Will was content just being carried everywhere.

At the Stride Rite store, the cashier gave Lily a cute bunny sticker. After a little more browsing, Lily was ready to crash so we headed to the car. It was only then that we noticed the tiny pieces of sticker remnants on her fingers and around her mouth. Yay fiber!
We went back to Jeremiah and Nichole's for the rest of the afternoon and Will decided it was finally time to wake up when it was time to leave. At home we just relaxed. Klif came home halfway through the 8 o'clock feeding and finished it before putting Will to bed.
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