Angie and Doug came by and visited for a while and brought gifts.

After our visitors headed out, we loaded up and grabbed some lunch. We then drove over to Maxon where I used to work so that some of the people I used to work with could meet Will. It was great seeing them after so long, and I think they enjoyed the baby time.
We ran a couple of quick errands, and stopped in again at great-grandma Rachel's for a diaper change. We then stopped by Target where we finally found some more Similac (thank goodness!) and went to Walgreen's to print some pictures.

Josh and Jill wanted to meet for dinner so we headed over to Pizza King (starting him off right :) and met them and Grandpa.

After dinner we made one last stop at Martha Jean's house for a quick visit, and then headed back to Nana and Grandpa's for the evening. Once again, through all of the running, Will was great. Will was awake for a very long time this evening, and even had two HUGE smiles for grandpa while he was awake. Will is now sharing some TV time with grandpa before his 11 o'clock feeding and we are all hoping that tonight goes as well as the last couple of nights!

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