We stopped by a few stores to pick up a few more much needed items, and Will didn't make a peep the entire time. He loves to be in his car seat. Back home we rested a little and spent some time next doorwith our neighbors who had their daughter in late July. They had to switch their daughter onto a special formula and sent us home with all of their Similac (a lot!) and a grocery bag full of newborn diapers! Wow!

Next we all loaded into the car and got some lunch at Culver's and then spent some time at Walgreen's printing out some of the seemingly billions of photos from the last few days. Once again, Will never made a sound! We spent the rest of the the day at home, relaxing. I took some time to shower and relax in the recliner. We gave Will his first bath with nighttime soap and lotion just before bed.

I took the early morning feeding shifts and mom took over at 3 so that Klif could get a good night's sleep before returning to work!

Will slept so well tonight, that he was an hour late for one of his feedings! I kept waiting for him to fuss and wake me up, and finally my mom came in to check and see if the schedule got messed up (I was supposed to get her when I was done with the late feeding). He was still so asleep we had to wake him feed him! The whole night he slept great, getting us all some much needed rest.
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