With only an hour until church, we threw everything in the washer and Will played in his (new and clean) diaper until his clothes were done.

They were still a little damp, but that was the best we could get. I thought Will would nap during church, but he didn't, and was in a bad mood.

He fell asleep on the way to lunch but was only able to sleep about 10 minutes before we got him out.

After lunch we went back to Nana and Pa's for a while.

We headed home in the afternoon and Will slept the whole way. I headed to bed before 7, and Klif said that he didn't think he could keep Will up much longer, that he was very tired. He went down at 7:30 without a fuss. An hour later he woke up screaming and inconsolable. Walking, being held, playing, bottles, nothing would get him to stop crying! We gave him a dose of acetaminophen and 10 minutes later he went to sleep and slept for the night.
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