They did a little running and then Will napped in a playpen without fussing at all. I picked him up after work and we went home and he had some yogurt and watched a little tv. We ran a few errands and he almost fell asleep twice in the car, so I took him upstairs, gave him a bottle, and he fell asleep. As soon as I put him in his bed he started screaming!

He cried for over 20 minutes straight, and at that point I knew he wasn't going to sleep.

I got him up and brought him downstairs where he played happily in his playpen for about 45 minutes while I rested on the couch. When he started fussing, I put him back in his crib, and he fell asleep in about 10 minutes. He fussed through his nap, waking up and crying every 15 minutes or so, and then going back to sleep. After about an hour of that we got back up and played downstairs

until daddy got home from work.

Daddy packed his truck and then took Will and headed to Muncie. Will is staying with Nana and Pa for a few nights!
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