He was in a really good mood!

He played in his playpen for a long time, and then took a good morning nap and hardly fussed when he went down or got up. We played out back with Sammy for a few minutes. Uncle Jeremiah needed us to go with him to sell his car so that he would have a ride home. We stopped at his house first and Will played with Nichole while I ate my lunch.

We headed out and Will slept the whole time, well over an hour. So much for a chance for me to nap! We got home and Will was in an okay mood for a while,

but started getting cranky just before 8. I changed him and got him ready for bed, but he was not ready. After I realized he wasn't going to stop crying and go to sleep, I got him back out of his crib and brought him into our room and laid him on the bed with me. He thought this was really funny and played until daddy showed up a few minutes later. He finally went to bed about 9:30.
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