I went into work late because of Will's rough night, so we were all up together getting ready this morning.
Will went to Megan's, and took a 2 hour nap for her. We stopped by the grocery on the way home, and played for a while.
Will took another good nap for me, which gave me a chance to work in my room for a while. After he got up from his nap we went outside for a little bit and Will helped me organize in the garage a little. After dinner and a bath
(Pokoyo is his favorite bath toy and he always picks it to play with)
it was almost time for daddy to get home.
Will went to bed as soon as daddy got home and said goodnight, and hardly fussed at all.
We got up and got ready to go to church, and headed out to Muncie. Will was grunting a lot, and Klif kept saying that he was going to the bathroom. We dropped off daddy at church and had to stop by Target. Will smelled so bad that I was embarrassed to be carrying him around! We headed over to Rachel the Great's, and that's when I saw what I was in for. A major blowout, up both sides, the front, and the back. Not only that, but seeping through his onesie.
With only an hour until church, we threw everything in the washer and Will played in his (new and clean) diaper until his clothes were done.
They were still a little damp, but that was the best we could get. I thought Will would nap during church, but he didn't, and was in a bad mood.
He fell asleep on the way to lunch but was only able to sleep about 10 minutes before we got him out.
After lunch we went back to Nana and Pa's for a while.
We headed home in the afternoon and Will slept the whole way. I headed to bed before 7, and Klif said that he didn't think he could keep Will up much longer, that he was very tired. He went down at 7:30 without a fuss. An hour later he woke up screaming and inconsolable. Walking, being held, playing, bottles, nothing would get him to stop crying! We gave him a dose of acetaminophen and 10 minutes later he went to sleep and slept for the night.
Will slept all night, and had a good morning.
I ran a bunch of errands while Will stayed home with daddy
and napped and played.
That afternoon we headed over to Jeremiah and Nichole's for Lily's 2nd birthday party.
There were a lot of people there, and Lily got a lot of great gifts! He even got to try out Lily's new tricycle.
Will especially loved the pinata,
and every time someone would hit it he could hardly catch his breath from laughing.
After the party
we headed back home and had dinner at home. Will did pretty well, but got fussy into the evening.
I got up and ran some errands and then worked around the house. Later that afternoon Nana called and said that Will was obviously not feeling well, and was not happy with anything she was doing. He wouldn't nap and was just all around in a bad mood. We met Pa in Anderson at Skyline Chili and had dinner
and brought Will back home with us.
Will was pretty animated in the evening, but I could tell his teeth were bothering him at bedtime, so I gave him some acetaminophen before his bottle, and he went right to bed.
Daddy took Will to Aunt Megan's today.
They did a little running and then Will napped in a playpen without fussing at all. I picked him up after work and we went home and he had some yogurt and watched a little tv. We ran a few errands and he almost fell asleep twice in the car, so I took him upstairs, gave him a bottle, and he fell asleep. As soon as I put him in his bed he started screaming!
He cried for over 20 minutes straight, and at that point I knew he wasn't going to sleep.
I got him up and brought him downstairs where he played happily in his playpen for about 45 minutes while I rested on the couch. When he started fussing, I put him back in his crib, and he fell asleep in about 10 minutes. He fussed through his nap, waking up and crying every 15 minutes or so, and then going back to sleep. After about an hour of that we got back up and played downstairs
until daddy got home from work.
Daddy packed his truck and then took Will and headed to Muncie. Will is staying with Nana and Pa for a few nights!
Will went to the sitter today, and she said he didn't fuss at all when she put him down for a nap.
We went home and Will played a little bit before completely crashing for his second nap.
We stayed in for the night.
Will got a quick bath before bed.
It was a pretty uneventful day!
Will was home with daddy
and Charlotte came over again. Will tried to feed Klif his bottle and though it was hilarious.
Will and Charlotte had some fun together.
One I got home and Klif got ready, we ran a few errands. Will fell asleep in the short drive to the post office, so we decided to take him in, since it wasn't nap time yet. We grabbed lunch at Taco Bell and tried to keep him occupied.
After a quick stop at WalMart we headed home and I fed Will. He fell asleep before he even finished the bottle, and didn't move a muscle when I laid him in his crib.
I got ready for bed and Klif took a nap, and 2 hours after he went down Will woke up. He was up with daddy the rest of the night!