He didn't even cry when I put him down at 9:30 for his nap, and he stayed asleep for over an hour! We headed out about noon for Will's ear check up, only to find out that it is on July 1st, not June 1st. Oops. After a quick stop at WalMart we headed back home and played for a little bit before attempting his afternoon nap.

This did not go smoothly. After lots of crying, a bottle, and then more crying Will finally went down about 4:15. I had to wake him up at 6:15, and I napped the whole time too! I found the first (and probably only - for this year) apple on our trees.

Will really likes playing in his playpen, and was really content through the evening.

We had a diaper malfunction right before daddy came home, so I just went ahead and drew a bath for him, and Klif sat with him while he played
and that gave me a chance to cook dinner. At 9 Klif fed Will and he didn't even make it through his bottle before falling asleep, and didn't wake up when he went in his crib!
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