Will slept in a little for me today, and woke up talking in his crib. He started off the day in a very good mood. He seems to really enjoy lounging in his playpen. He played in his exersaucer on the driveway while I mowed the front yard, and took a good morning nap. We made a quick trip to WalMart, played some more,
took a short walk to the duck pond, and he didn't have much trouble going down for his afternoon nap. He woke up about 1.5 hours later, which I should have known was too early! He was very cranky the rest of the evening, and needed constant contact and entertainment. I didn't mind too much, because I got a lot of work done in the morning,
but he was so tired that he went to bed at 7:30! He was completely passed out by the time he was halfway through his bottle. Poor guy!
Will slept until 6 and Klif fed him and he slept just a little longer. He was in a good mood and I was able to clean up his room a little, do some laundry, and keep up with him. He didn't even cry when I put him down at 9:30 for his nap, and he stayed asleep for over an hour! We headed out about noon for Will's ear check up, only to find out that it is on July 1st, not June 1st. Oops. After a quick stop at WalMart we headed back home and played for a little bit before attempting his afternoon nap. This did not go smoothly. After lots of crying, a bottle, and then more crying Will finally went down about 4:15. I had to wake him up at 6:15, and I napped the whole time too! I found the first (and probably only - for this year) apple on our trees. Will really likes playing in his playpen, and was really content through the evening. We had a diaper malfunction right before daddy came home, so I just went ahead and drew a bath for him, and Klif sat with him while he played
and that gave me a chance to cook dinner. At 9 Klif fed Will and he didn't even make it through his bottle before falling asleep, and didn't wake up when he went in his crib!
Will slept all night, of course, because it wasn't my night sleeping with him. It always works that way! He got up and had a bottle at 5 and slept a little longer after that. Daddy got up with him and it wasn't long before they were napping again on the chair. I even got a nice nap in! We lathered Will in sunscreen and got his swim suit on him, and he got in the pool for the first time. He loved it! I wasn't surprised, because he loves water so much! He splashed and played, and when he was in the baby seat he just lounged and relaxed.
I didn't want him to get burned so we took him out after a short time.
I changed him into something more comfy to sleep in and he didn't have much trouble going down for a nap, which was perfect timing, so we could all eat! He woke up just as we were finishing and went back in the pool with Pa. After the pool, he played in the living room for a long time, most of the time just standing at the ottoman and turning in circles.
He took an evening nap, and when I tried to wake him up so that he would sleep at night, he would NOT wake up! We tried sitting him up, standing him up, laying him flat, and he would just stay asleep! Finally I took him outside and we sat with our feet in the pool for a long time. I went to take care of the dogs and Will got a bath. By the time I got back I needed to head to bed because of a headache, and Daddy took over with Will until he fell asleep a short time later. He was worn out!
Will got up again in the middle of the night, but needed a bottle. Nana took him and they ended up sleeping in the recliner! He wasn't keeping his bottles down very well, either. Daddy came and dropped off the dogs before church, and then I tore the mirror off of Nana's car when I went to take care of Josh's dogs. We got some pedialyte on the way to church, and Will had no problem drinking that. We picked up Rachel the Great and went to church, and afterwards Rachel the Great and Will and I headed to Portland to meet Shana's new baby. Will was in a good mood the whole time! We ended up driving to Bluffton, 30 more minutes, after confusion about what hospital they were at. Talan was absolutely adorable! Will sat and played with Talan's car seat the whole time. He was fascinated!
We headed out after a short visit and went back to Portland where we stopped at Janet and Dwight's to pick up some food I had bought. Sara was there with Reigan, and she and Will played for a long time!
We headed back to Muncie, and as soon as we got to Nana and Pa's Klif and Will and I headed right back out the door to Angie and Doug's for a cookout. We had a really good time! The weather was perfect, the food was good, and Will was very well behaved while I dominated at corn hole. Back at the house Nana slept in Will's room, and we all went to bed very tired!
We got up and ran errands with Nana and Rachel the Great today. Will found a great hat at the dollar store. And a questionable head band at Hobby Lobby. We stopped at Steak n' Shake for lunch. By the time we got to Wal Mart Will was so worn out. Will got a bath tonight with his new Pocoyo bath toys. That's not a phone, Will. That's Ellie. Can you find Pa? Time for bed!
Will played with Lily until it was time for Nana and Pa to take her home.
We headed over to Rachel the Great's to visit for a little while. We headed over to Josh and Jill's to take care of their puppies again (we are dog-sitting this weekend) and then headed back to Nana and Pa's for the night, where Will crashed!